Thursday, January 24, 2008

Quick Update

So, not too much is going on here. We were sad to watch Green Bay lose last week. When I asked Maya if she had kissed any boys today she told me, "How could you suggest that?!" Where did she get that from? Zeke is killing me! He refuses to sleep in his own bed for an entire night. He will sleep for about 2 hours and then wake up screaming and saying, "Mama's bed," which Maya thinks sounds like Mama's butt. :) Kevan has been on a whirl wind this week. He has had church stuff and was working at Obama headquarters this week. Comic Book Club is going well. I am really enjoying it! Karaoke club had to disband for a little because the kids were getting to rowdy and after having a child chip a tooth last week, I needed a break. We'll start again after spring break. So, that is a quick snapshot of my current situation. I know have to go clean Zeke up from his spaghette dinner. What a mess!


Kristen said...


kpenvose said...

I noticed that I had it spelled wrong, but was in a hurry. Hence the title "Quick update!"