Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Well, I didn't get my karaoke grant. It is really a hard pill to swallow because I put a lot of time and effort into that and thought it was well done. It makes me curious to see what the 50 grants that they approved were for. But, they are very secretive and do not let you know. They don't even have any contact information for you to get insight into what was wrong with your grant. Oh well! I already have Karaoke Club up and running anyways. It just means I have to continue lugging the music teacher's machine up and down the stairs (okay elevator) daily. I'll see if I can get it through someone else.


mary said...

i'll try to get some pictures online once i get them from rachel. we just wore our '80s big dangly star earrings...it was pretty awesome though

lisa said...

not "awesome", mary. "truly outrageous". :P